Child Start is kicking off their annual Virtual Giving Campaign to help raise awareness about the importance of quality, early childhood education for all children. We are certain you have seen much on the child care crisis this year and if you are local to Wichita you may have even seen Child Start interviewed a number of times on the issue. Child Start has been directly impacted by the child care crisis and they are working hard at partnering with the right organizations to come up with real solutions that will help parents now and for years to come. 

Here’s just a bit more of what Child Start does:

  • Serves more than 500 children and their families through the birth-to-five Head Start programs they operate in south-central Kansas.
  • Combines the latest early childhood education research and best theories into the programs and training they develop.
  • Trains nearly 4000 community-based early childhood professionals from Kansas and beyond through their in person and online KDHE-approved trainings.
  • Advocates for Kansas funding and policy change for early childhood services to benefit thousands of children throughout the state.
  • Develops training and programs that help prevent the academic achievement gap to reduce social problems such as high school dropout, teenage pregnancy, and juvenile crime.

You can see why it is so important that Child Start continue their programs, ESPECIALLY NOW! The lack of quality care, and the shortage of early childhood caregivers and teachers have been further exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s a big problem that will require the attention and support of a lot of people, and you can be one of them. Your contribution will make a real difference to Child Start’s work with children, parents, teachers and caregivers.  

Will you help by donating or joining in this effort to help spread their message?


Click here to donate or learn more! 


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